We save jobs, restaurants and lively-hoods. We are the best in the business and looking for people who care as much as we do.
The great thing about what you'll do, is that you get to work with amazing people
Now in all 50 states, Canada and abroad; The Restaurant Company is ideal place for your talent to flourish.

Find your match
Find the position you've been looking for. Go ahead and shoot us your resume. We might just find the right match for you. The Restaurant Company is constantly sourcing good talent for the major league players in the hospitality business. We network with over 500 restaurants and hotels. Take a look at our Portfolio.

Becoming part of the team
From bookkeeper, to inspector, to advisor- The Restaurant Company has multiple levels of careers to offer. Just because you're in hospitality, doesn't mean you want to serve coffee. We push our employees to become executives in the hospitality world and be a strong example of encouragement for others.

Become an advisor
Submit your resume and start training today. The Restaurant Company encourages our new hires to share their ideas and become innovative in the hospitality community. We are the umbrella to most restaurants and always looking for new ways to protect.